Nobody's perfect but a Team can be...
Sep 25, 2020
Nobody is perfect but a Team can be…
Business is always about teams in different situations and forms. We often also are comparing with teams in sports. If we look at a Hockey team and organise it as we do in a company.
And ask yourselves how many goals do you think they will score? …
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OK, how come that you still think that your company will score with a similar organisations structure?
The main questions will therefore be how far do we want to go?
It is quite clear that people like to perform in teams and they often do much better in a team compared to what they do on them self. Lets compare the differences between work team and sports team.
Based on the matrix above there are clear constrains for a work team to try to be like a sport team. It is crucial for the set-up of a team in an organisation that this is understood and balanced with the High Performance Team in the sports world.
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The FIRO-model
It is clear that nobody is perfect but a team can be…It is all boy setting up the team in the right way and develop the team from start-up to become developed high performance team. A group dynamic model will help you do the work. The FIRO-model (Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation) is one to be used and it will definitely be a support.
The FIRO-model is a theory of interpersonal relations, introduced by William Schutz in 1958. This theory mainly explains the interpersonal underworld of a small group. The theory is based on the belief that when people get together in a group, there are three main interpersonal needs they are looking to obtain:
• affection/openness,
• control
• inclusion
When using this model it is important also to understand the role of the team leader and the manager. Without the understanding of the group dynamics involved the energy in the team will seldom be moved through the control phase. The energy and the performance will only vary between affection/ opens and control. The key for the team and its leader is to understand what it takes to reach inclusion.
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Setting-up High Performance Teams
In this team-process the FIRO-model has been integrated and if used the team will reach inclusion phase:
The process consist of four phases but before using this process this prerequisites needs to be understood and implemented:
• Commitment to team thinking and the process - Managers and co-
workers that will be involved needs to be educated and understand the
purpose of the team effort.
• Cross-functional competence development - Managers and co-workers
needs to understand that competence development will take place
and that requires openness and knowledge sharing.
• Multi-skills and multi-disciplinary - the work done in the team will be
shared and co-workers will grow their competence outside of there
traditional work assignments and needs to be rewarded for this.
• Continuous and open process - depending on the set-up the team
needs to know the time schedule and the purpose. If it is for the long-
run or just for fixing something that is broken.
When this criteria has been understood it is time to role out the process. During the role- out the team will be challenged with many different problems to solve and decision making will be crucial for the energy build up in team. Lets look how decisions is made.
Spend one day of train the Mangers and Co-workers in Team thinking and the leadership related to Team. It will definitely be time well spent.
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The decision making process
How do you take decisions and why? This is very important to understand how decisions are made and implemented. This graph shows the different situations that decisions are made:
Before taking a decisions it is worth to think which situation above leads to the best implementation of that decisions. In some situation it is expected that the boss take the decision and inform the co-workers what is decided. In other situation that will be a disaster.
The power of the decision is made up of two things:
• The acceptance in the organisation
• The quality of the under-laying information
These two needs to be high otherwise the decision will be a failure and nothing will change and you don't want that.
Spend some time and find out the best way to take a specific decisions will most likely be time well spent.
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Still hesitating?
Think of all the different accomplishments that has happened in your life or in the world, many o them are done by teams. Today, Nobel prize winners salute the team, individual sports athletes salute the team behind them. If it wasn´t for the team they would not have succeed. So why do we still think in todays business that it should be run by one man or by team that are no more team then the seagulls on the fields…
Team are not a demand but team are a way of using the total resources of an organisation for greater flexibility, quality and productivity and as a bonus, employee satisfaction is increased.
Start today and make the changes needed so that your business would be team-driven based on openness and sharing both of good things as well as things needed to be improved.
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Nobody is perfect but a team can be…
Need more info, please contact us.
Growise Lda
Göran Engberg
Cell: +46 703 43 00 86
Skype: goran.engberg
Twitter: goranengberg
Email: [email protected]
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