The world is calling for SMEs to be bold, brave and energised.
We designed this course for entrepreneurial businesses to grow and become larger.
You can experience the following benefits after taking this course:
- Faster developments.
- Rapid implementation of solutions.
- Improved working condition for co-workers due to better understanding and the WHOLE.
- Improved customer delivery and service.
- Improved shareholder and employee value because increased business focus creates better value.
- Improved leadership skills.
- Easier to fulfil goals and strategy for yourself, the employees, the company and your community.
Do you want to continue to play small or use bespoken tools and methods and grow into you full business potential.
Join today and take the course.
What you'll get:
Training Videos that you can replay at any time.
Training Material based on bespoke methods and tools.
Self-assessments after each module.
Experience Exchange a conversation between Alan P. Brache and Göran Engberg.
Action Plan after each module.
A Self-Designed Game Plan to thrive at the next level.
The Total Value of this proposal is priceless:
- All modules includes Self-assessments, so the you can find out for yourselves what needs to be done in order to Thrive in the Future.
Priceless, valued to € 995
or USD 1.100,0
- Conversations between Alan P. Brache, the author of Stepping Up and myself your trainer. We have combined more than 70 years of experience as Growth Coaches and/ or Trainers all over the world.
Valued to €2 995
or USD 3.275
- Training material that serves as value added to the textbook Stepping-UP. (order this separate from Amazon.)
Valued to € 1 950 or USD 2.130
- You will create, design and decide you unique Game Plan ready to be implemented.
Priceless, valued to € 950 or USD 1.040
- Bonus material that you will get when you completed the training.
Valued to €1 250.0 or USD 1.360
The Total Value of this offer is €8 140 or USD 8.900
All this for only € 495,00 or in US 540.00
If not satisfied we give you 15 days money back guarantee.