Create your own vision for only € 495,00.
The benefits of leading with a Vision can be one or all of the following:
- A good vision is one that stakeholders likes to hear.
- A good vision inspires people to do that extra work.
- A vision is part of an organisations history, it shall praise the future but also honour the past.
- A vision is a beam light to what is important.
- A vision is not a goal, but it will help us to set goals
- A vision creates understanding and engagement for involved people.
- A vision is a practical and concrete thing and will legalise action.
- Visions are not reserved for the executive. It’s for everyone.
- It can make the impossible possible.
This course has the objective to teach you how to create your own unique vision.
The course are based on the following modules:
Module 1: Why you need a vision?
Module 2: The importance of an Open Door Mind-Set.
Module 3: How a vision can be created?
Module 4: How to formulate a vision.
Module 5: Give Life to the Vision
Course Wrap Up
You can download the course material and between modules you will be asked do exercises.
At any time you can hit replay and also share it with colleagues. You can co-create a shared vision for your team and organisation.
With your unique vision you will see tremendous results manifesting in your life and in your organisation.
The benefits of having a vision are:
• It enables decision making evan in challenging times. It will help you stay focused.
• it will help people stay focused on the key things and make sure they are achieved and also why those things are important..
• It will help people stay focused on the key things to achieve and why those things are important.
• It will help with prioritising of resources; investments, nurturing customers, retaining employees etc.
• It will promote and embrace the type of culture needed for being successful.
• It will develop more strategic leadership in your organisation. Too often organisation tends to prioritise short-term activities instead of focus on the long-term.
Don’t miss out and learn the how to create your own unique vision.
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